F Street, 1815 Exterior of George Miller's F Street Tavern

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Live-Action Reference

Actress Margarett Joyner poised in a makeshift window frame at Bridge Studio in Richmond, Virginia. With a recent foot injury, she was only willing to jump down from the window once. Luckily, she was not injured again, and her apprehension made the leap that much more believable. Remember, Anna jumped from approximately thirty feet.

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Rotoscoping Composite Scene

Rotoscoping is a form of tracing and painting each frame of live video. Animators painted approximately 18,000 individual frames for this animation. Here, Anna is painted on a green panel so she can easily be "cut out" and composited into a painted scene.

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3D Model

A hand-painted background was first created as a 3D model to match the live-action footage.

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Final Composite Scene

In this finished composite scene, the street, tavern, and Anna are all painted as separate layers. It took a total of 18 working hours to produce this 3 seconds of action.

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Live-Action Reference

Another live-action shot of Joyner in the makeshift window frame at Bridge Studio.

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Final Composite Scene

This finished composite scene is also composed of separate layers.